CRM Dashboard

With our in-house software development team, Eben designs and deploys customized CRM Solutions for all business verticals. CRM acts as a database that stores Customer account information and contact history. Since the information is already captured in the CRM, the Customer does not have to repeat the same details every time they call.


Features of Eben CRM

1.Click-to-call from CRM


We have successfully replaced manual diaIling with Click-to-call from the CRM dashboard. Our click-to-call solution significantly increases agent productivity as the feature allows us to contact a Customer by just clicking on the number.


2.Quality monitoring

CRM quality monitoring gives you an idea of whether your Customers are happy with your services. It also makes you aware of the current performance of your agents. Quality monitoring helps us to identify the performance levels of the call centre agents. Detailed reports are used to track and analyze the current productivity and efficiency of the company.

3.Call Forwarding

If you wish to forward a call to any number, our CRM services are the best option.


4.Call Recording

Our CRM allows you to record both inbound and outbound calls.

5.Live Call Barging

Live call barging authorizes the concerned supervisor to barge into a live call between the Customer and the agents to provide any additional information or resolve any unresolved Customer queries.


6.Call pop-up notifications for incoming and outgoing calls

Eben Telecom provides notifications each time the agent gets a call so that no calls are missed out. We have an elaborate address book with the help of which the Customer's name pops up when they make a call. This service helps in providing a personalized service to the Customers.

7.Call logs

Call logging is the term used to describe the process of collecting, scrutinizing and recording data on phone calls. The call logging consists of data such as call origin, the destination of the call, call duration and the like. Eben Telecom uses the process of call logging to appraise the current performance of the network and its capacity to serve Customers. We use this data to improve the network performance and to keep the network operating at peak efficiency.

8.Missed call alerts

When a potential or existing Customer calls the call centre number, and the agents being busy with other calls, CRM accesses the number details, making it possible for the agent to call that Customer back.

9.Direct communication with the Customer

We establish fast and easy communication with Customers by permitting direct calls to Customers from our CRM or through a website.

10.SMS alert, Push SMS to Customers

Eben Telecom sends SMS alerts to Customers for better engagement and performance. Push SMS helps cascade the advantages and updated features of a particular product or service to a wider audience.

11.Broadcast Voice messages without hiring extra agents

We help you broadcast voice messages to a large target audience without having to employ extra agents for the process.

12.Automatic call Distribution

We direct the calls to the right Customer agents based on language, products, process, skills to ensure swift Customer resolution.

13.Three –way calling at a time

Eben Telecom has a three-way calling feature, which helps you initiate an effortless conference call with your Customers.